Thursday, September 10, 2015

3rd Qtr Duke CFO Global Business Outlook : Best Indicator Of Employment : Shortage of Qualified Workers

The Duke CFO Global Business Outlook is conducted quarterly. The survey polls CFOs of both public and private companies around the globe.  US strongest economy among top regions - we need to watch Asia, S. America and Africa...

U.S. job openings are at a record high of 5.8 million, and a new survey from Duke University provides a key reason: Employers say they can't find workers with required skills for many openings. As a result, employers are planning to boost pay in an attempt to find workers. They also continue to push for more foreign workers through high-tech visas known as H-1Bs. The risks of a workers' skills gap? A less competitive U.S. economy, and companies might be forced to relocate overseas if they can't find workers here, warns a Duke economics professor. 
Here is the report: